Wednesday, July 14, 2021

From Unreal to Real!

 From Unreal to Real!

In the recent past, I have experimented with an Indian variant of acupressure – It’s a Holistic Approach, combining the best of Ayurvedic remedies with traditional Acupressure. This method of acupressure relies on parallel pressure points on the back of palms. By applying pressure using small diameter metallic rods with blunt serrations on knuckle joints, the affected area is activated into an auto correction mode. In order to keep the pressure on the acupoints for a minimum of 2 to 4 hours, the doctor uses various combination of seeds, namely green gram, Black pepper, Wheat etc. places these seeds on these acupoints and wraps a surgical bandage around. This is a very effective way of keeping the pressure intact and it can get pretty painful by the time we are ready to unwrap the bandage.

While I am not sure if it helps build the protective tissues, it certainly helps reduce or eliminate the pain. And all this without any internal medication! I commenced my treatment with this doctor from 7th July 2021 and have been asked to visit his clinic for a sitting each day for one week initially. Later it will probably reduce to twice a week for a certain period. This alternative therapy promises to be a long term solution. From my visits so far, it is quite beneficial and I would certainly recommend this approach to all those suffering from similar issues and looking for a lasting solution.

Although the following is an unrelated incident, in my mind the dots seem to be connected…

This strange incident occurred on the night of 8th July 2021. Usually, I am a very light sleeper, the slightest of noise can wake me up instantly. However, during most part of my life, I do not recall having dreamt in my sleep…and this is counter intuitive. Dreamless sleep is when a person goes into a deep slumber and I certainly don’t belong to this category. All doctors have been trying to convince me that this is an impossible case. They claim that I do dream, but do not recollect or remember and this means that my dreams are not stored in the prefrontal cortex, which plays an important part in processing short term memories.

On nights when I get 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I consider myself very lucky. On 8th night it was different, I felt my eyelids getting heavy around 9:30 PM and decided to shut down my laptop and retire for the night. I was instantly in deep sleep. However at 10 minutes past midnight, I heard a loud scream (it was my wife!) and then I heard a heavy thud. While her screaming woke me up, it took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was I, who had fallen from the bed. While falling the entire brunt of 75 Kilos of my body was taken by my left hand and leg. I had fallen backwards and my left hand had protected my head from hitting the floor and that’s how I was saved from a catastrophe.

This is my version of what happened to me, as I heard my wife scream… However, my wife’s version brings out the strangeness in this incident. Apparently I was standing on the bed and both my legs were quivering, as if I was trying to release the cramps in my calf and thigh muscles. This has been a problem for quite some time and I’ve found an easy method to release these cramps by stretching my ankles or drawing them inwards. My wife initially thought I was trying to release the cramps. But she later realized that I was doing it in my sleep and was about to step backwards. Before she could stop me, my left foot had gone over the edge of the cot and then gravity took over.

I landed with a big thud and this was the time, when I became conscious of what was happening around. Fear of the unknown made me scream out loudly and scared the wits out of my wife and son. It was pitch dark and I was pretty sure that I would have a couple of broken bones from the fall. To my surprise, I was able to sit up and discovering that no bones were broken, involuntarily started laughing very loudly – I found the entire incident so weird and unbelievable!

I must admit that I was lucky on many counts. During the fall, my head was in safe hands – in fact it was my left hand that took the brunt and protected the same! Both my legs were at 90 degrees but this did not damage the pelvic bone. The left leg softened the fall and probably my spinal column escaped serious injuries. However, what beats me is I just don’t remember dreaming! The doctor, who I am visiting presently for acupressure treatment categorically stated that his treatment was in no way connected to the hyperactive muscles in both my legs. He assured me that it was probably a bad dream of sleep walking gone wrong!

Subsequent acupressure treatment was on removing the joint pain from my fall and to a great extent, he seemed to have done wonders because I’ve survived thus far without any pain killers.

I was reminded of the Sanskrit word Turiya. We are all familiar with the three common states of consciousness: Waking state, Dreaming State, Deep Sleep State or the dreamless sleep state.  As per our Hindu Philosophy there is this fourth state called Pure Consciousness – Turiya or Chaturtha, which is the background witness that underlies and pervades all the three common states. For a fraction of a second did I drift into Turiya – I was a witness of myself being in deep sleep state and was also a witness to the accident that was happening to me! 

Is this just a figment of my imagination? Or perhaps effects of watching too much of Swamy Sarvapriyananda, Shri M and many episodes of Buddha at the Gas Pump! From Unreal to real!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Acupressure - A Successful Alternative!


Acupressure – A Successful Alternative:

Bit of a background might help put the treatment in a perspective. Typically as any 60+ years old might experience, it was seemingly about my heart not performing to its capacity. The numbness in the toe region of both my feet with a mild tingling sensation may have triggered my cardiologist to order a Tread Mill Test? The TMT Graph did show a slight departure from the normal pattern, making the technician state in his summary: “Inconclusive, hence further investigation to be taken up as deemed fit by attending Cardiologist”. My Cardiologist obviously didn’t want to take chances and asked me to go through an Angiogram and if the need arose, placement of a stent if there was a block. He also mentioned “Had you been 10 years younger, I wouldn’t have asked for an angiogram”. I personally felt a bit weird after hearing about the Angiogram but went by his advice and got myself admitted at a well-known hospital, nearer home. Since this procedure is covered under medical insurance, the formalities, paperwork etc. is cumbersome and time consuming.


I got myself admitted at 7 AM, but by the time I was prepared for being wheeled into the  holding area, it was 1 PM. Then started the long wait as only one machine of the two that this hospital has was in a working condition. The 2nd was under a scheduled maintenance. Although the attending Brother kept informing me at regular intervals that, I would be soon wheeled in, I did not see progress for almost 2 hours. I started getting restless and started losing my patience. I kept asking the attending Brother a whole lot of questions and finally he got tired of me and reported to the Physician that I was being uncooperative and irritable…


The Physician came to my bed to explain the situation, but looking at my upset demeanor and after patiently hearing my frustrations from waiting, wondered if an angiogram was really necessary. Before he could offer any solace, my number was called out and I was quickly wheeled into the sealed Chamber, called Operation Theatre. Like the entertainment theatre, this also has a lead performer ably supported by a fairly large number of staff who have a definitive role to play to make the overall performance successful.


In my case, there was a group of Seven - technicians and associated staff who get to business immediately on the patient, once wheeled in. The lead performer – Cardiologist in my case, had no script or dialogue. His role was more like the Conductor in an Orchestra, silently waving his wand, all the while glued to the large 57” monitor. On the assumption that a stent may be required to be inserted, the patient is prepared for such an eventuality. Once the preparation is complete, a dye is injected into the blood stream and within seconds makes its way into the bloodstream and into the arteries and veins within the heart. If there are no blocks, the dye make its way unobstructed and its path is visible on the screen.

Unfortunately my glasses were taken away while entering the Operation Theatre and I couldn’t watch the action on the Screen. My doctor, who had remained glued to the screen all this while, declared that my heart was perfectly normal and that I should not worry for the next 5 to 10 years.


In my entire narration so far, the unexplained phenomena was the numbness in both my feet in the toe region and this continued to remain unexplained. The Cardiologist referred me to a different faculty of medicine and arranged for me to meet and discuss with a Neurologist. A couple of visits later and after going through a whole new set of tests, including the hitherto unknown “Nerve Conduction Velocity Test”, I was declared normal, based on my age and the normal wear and tear associated with 60 years of existence.


My interaction with the various doctors from different faculties apparently did not yield any definitive answers. Could this be described as “Idiopathic” – a term used by doctors when they find no answers within the known realm of a patient’s suffering. My conditions however indicated a classic case of peripheral neuropathy, which is sciatica nerve damage. This could have been caused by compression of the spinal column discs in the lumbar region. I was prescribed a medicine, which helps in regeneration of damaged nerves in the peripheral region. Besides this a whole lot of Vitamin tablets from A to Z were ordered. I took them religiously for three months, but finding no change in my condition opted on my own to discontinue with the treatment.


That was when the thought of an alternative medicine crept in! I experimented with acupressure but after a couple of sessions where the expert put pressure on specific points on the palms of my hand to clear blockages in the meridians that runs across our bodies, I gave up. But for hurting my palms it did little else to the far away nerves in the toe region. I guess the toes did not receive any message from the palms to go into a self-correction mode!


Acupressure is an ancient healing art that is based on traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture. Pressure is put on specific places on the body, called acupoints. Pressing these points helps in releasing muscle pressure and improve blood circulation. Unfortunately, these days we have become extremely wary about anything Chinese! Either their design and manufacturing quality is very poor, or the product has a very short life span. In recent times the only product from China that comes with a great deal of efficacy is the Wuhan Virus, developed in its Labs. I suppose the Chinese themselves are surprised with its results. It is no wonder why they are dis-owning it and saying that it was not made by them!!


A friend suggested: Try Therapy Yoga, and I did, till Wuhan Virus shut down our Country in March 2020. I was trained on Yoga postures specific to my problem along with the standard set of postures for well-being. I continued to spend close to an hour practicing them at home. Did it have any positive effect on bringing normalcy to my toe region? I don’t think so…but it certainly introduced a new one - Left Knee Pain! I had to visit an orthopedist to understand what could have gone wrong with my Yoga practice. It wasn’t Yoga, the Orthopedist explained thankfully. It was Osteo-arthritis, a degeneration of the knee joint that typically starts for people above 60 years. It is the gradual wearing down of the protective tissues between the ends of bones in a joint. This is unfortunately irreversible and painkillers are a temporary answer. The painkillers smartly stop the pain signals from reaching the brain and one has a false sense of euphoria. In addition to painkillers, I was also prescribed to take a tablet, where the main ingredient was Collagen. I understand Collagen helps reduce pain and rebuilds cartilage.


I guess, it was time for me to think yet again for an alternative therapy. I went by the advice of a relative this time and visited an Ayurvedic clinic. The doctor was pretty confident of correcting the bone-to-bone contact issue. I was prescribed a whole variety of tablets and Kashayam and I really thought these medicines would help the regenerative process of the protective tissues. The sheer variety and numbers of tablets overwhelmed me and I went back to the doctor and told him to reduce it, because I was popping it all wrongly. He felt sorry for me and reduced the dosage. But I must give him some credit – the pain did ease up. The Lockdown returned and with this, all shops and establishments were ordered to remain closed. Sadly all chances of getting fit came to a naught!


More recently though, I have experimented with an Indian variant of acupressure – It’s a Holistic Approach, combining the best of Ayurvedic remedies with traditional Acupressure. This method of acupressure relies on parallel pressure points on the back of palms. By applying pressure using small diameter metallic rods with blunt serrations on knuckle joints, the affected area is activated into an auto correction mode. While I am not sure if it helps build the protective tissues, it certainly helps reduce or eliminate the pain. And all this without any internal medicines! I have been asked to visit this doctor for a sitting each day for one week initially. Later it will probably reduce to twice a week for a certain period. This alternative therapy promises to be a long term solution. From my visits so far, it is quite beneficial and I would certainly recommend this approach to all those suffering from similar issues and looking for a lasting solution.


Thursday, May 6, 2021



Very briefly what were the mistakes we Indians made in the last 5 months and allowed Covid-19 mutations to go berserk:

 1.     We thought Indians have gained or managed control of this virus. There was a false pretense that Indians have built immunity on account of their eating habits and frequency with which they catch the influenza virus had built a better capacity to fight Covid-19 with antibodies. We let our guards down...masks disappeared or at best became a mask for the double chin; we forgot about maintaining social distance of 2 yards and instead started jostling with each other at every market place, mall or places of worship; we forgot what is personal hygiene and sanitization.

2.     We allowed assembly elections in many states and lifted the dangers of mass gatherings and election rallies. Our independent Election Commission could have postponed the elections by a year...a grateful nation would have appreciated this gesture and felt proud of its responsible Election Body!

3.     We allowed religious congregation in various parts of the country where people gathered in thousands and came into close contact.

4.     In the name of democracy we allowed protesters to block entry points into the National Capital region, saying right to protest is a fundamental right. Our constitution forgot to include a sub-clause that these are not applicable in case of a pandemic outbreak...our nation builders of yester-years did not have the foresight. Present leaders now, do not have, even the common sense!

5.     As a country we should have been selfish in vaccinating our country people rather than give away the precious concoction to others. I am not saying we shouldn't...but first take care internally and then begin to share.

6.     Our vaccination drive started late...this should have been done earlier with various kinds of incentives to drive away the fear and negative publicity by opposition leaders.

7.     We should have roped in other laboratories and research institutions to manufacture the approved 2 vaccines namely Covishield and Covaxin...patents be damned!

8.     We should have taken help of Russians to manufacture Sputnik-V 3 months back in our country.

9.     Those people involved in black marketing and hoarding essential medical necessities should be booked and put behind permanently. They are the devils we read in our religious texts...can we provide instant justice? Yes, we can...only "Will" is required, which is in short supply!

10.  Listen to the Experienced Panel of Doctors and bring back country wide lockdown for a limited time - at least 3 weeks, to help break the nuclear fission like chain of spread and help the hospital infrastructure to come back to its feet! No country can build hospitals for its entire population...number of beds are also designed on a certain percentage of people being sick at any given time. It is much like the way insurance premium works...

11.  Opposing people, especially those opposition leaders should have fallen in line with the intentions of first saving human life instead of serving their party or in gaining political mileage. And, if they didn't fall in line, just ensure they shut up and not interfere.

12.  A major problem exists with TV, Print Media and Social Media. If our Kashmiri brothers and sisters survived with none of these for years, rest of the country too can survive for a brief 3 month period. All negative posts should have been put on hold! Fear is the biggest enemy, perhaps bigger that the Wuhan virus itself. By peddling fake news or exaggerated negative portrayals, these people have petrified the entire nation.

13.  Could we have stopped overseas travel when the news of mutations making its first appearance come to our notice? Certainly...we should have isolated ourselves much like the way other countries namely New Zealand and Australia did. Unfortunately we allowed the mutations to reach our homes...a timely action to STOP all flights would have saved us this immense hardship.

14.  In the same breadth could we have banned interstate travel within our country? Certainly yes...but we were concerned about getting our Economy back on track! We did that at the cost of making individuals suffer...we helped bring the virus home!

In conclusion, is it too late to reset? Absolutely is never to late to start with a clean slate, especially now that we have learnt our lessons and know what we shouldn't do. Let us hence take a pledge, as a nation to reset ourselves to a new start and do what is right for the benefit of all and not blame the unknown Indian for the ills that we are facing today!